The Division of Life Science is pleased to announce that the following Teaching Assistants have been selected as the recipients of the ‘Best Teaching Assistant Award 2017-18’:
- Mr. Ho Chun LAI (J Xia’s Lab)
- Miss Pik Ki LAU (YS Guo’s Lab)
- Mr. Cheuk Yin LAI (WK Wong’s Lab)
- Miss Kendra Eileen LIU (K Herrup’s Lab)
The captioned Award is established to show the Division’s appreciation for postgraduate teaching assistants with their outstanding teaching performance. Recipients of the Award will each receive a certificate recognizing their teaching excellence together with a cash award of HK$1,000. Presentation of Award by the Acting Division Head, Prof. Zhenguo Wu, will be held in the LIFS X’mas/Year End Party scheduled on 14 December 2018.
Mr. Ho Chun LAI (J Xia’s Lab)
LIFS-2280 Plant Biology Laboratory Spring 2018
Ho Chun LAI is a patient and caring teacher. He can explain difficult concepts and procedures to the students. He also diligently prepares for the learning materials and consistently provide hands-on support for the experiments when students needed. His course instructor Dr. Melody Leung described him as a knowledgeable, detail-oriented individual who is willing to take extra steps to make sure that students understand the materials.
Miss Pik Ki LAU (YS Guo’s Lab)
LIFS-3110 Biotechnological Application of Recombinant DNA Techniques Fall 2017
Pik Ki LAU is a proven excellent teacher because this is her second time to receive this award. She always gives clear instructions. Her students described her as kind and helpful. She is very attentive when students needed help, and excellent in guiding students to avoid possible errors. Her students love having her as their TA.
Mr. Cheuk Yin LAI (WK Wong’s Lab)
LIFS-3110 Biotechnological Application of Recombinant DNA Techniques Fall 2017
Cheuk Yin LAI is a patient and approachable teacher. He goes extra miles in explaining the experiments in various ways to ensure that students can understand from multiple perspectives. Even when students need help after class, he is very responsive and reachable via emails. He breaks down difficult experiments and concepts in a systematic way for students to understand better. He is a beloved teacher as one of his students even felt sad that he would not be teaching this course anymore.
Miss Kendra Eileen LIU (K Herrup’s Lab)
LIFS-1904 Laboratory for General Biology II Spring 2018
Kendra Eileen LIU is a patient and attentive teacher. She explains the procedures very clearly and makes sure that students understand what they are doing during the experiments. Her attentive manner is frequently noted on her positive evaluations, including one student that offered this particular comments on her assessment: “Keep it the same!”.
Previous Winners: