The Ishibashi laboratory is interested in studying transcription elongation dynamics and the functional roles of nucleosomes on transcription regulation
Representative Publications
Ding D, Sun X, Pang MYH, An L, Huen MSY, Hu T, Ishibashi T (2021) RecQl5 KIX domain splicing isoforms have distinct functions in transcription repression and DNA damage response, DNA repair, 97,103007
Jing Y, Ding D, Tian G, Kwan KCJ, Liu Z, Ishibashi T#, Li XD#. (2020) Semisynthesis of site-specifically succinylated histone reveals that succinylation regulates nucleosome unwrapping rate and DNA accessibility, Nucl. Acids Res.48(17), 9538-49. #co-corresponding author
Wang YCE*, Leung TCS*, Ding D*, Sun X, Liu J, Kang TZE, Yang D, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Qian C, Huen MSY, Li Q, Chow MZY, Han J, Goel A, Wang X#, Ishibashi T#, Chan K.M#. (2020) Cancer-associated histone mutation H2BG53D disrupts DNA-histone octamer interaction and promotes oncogenic phenotypes, Signal Transduct. Target Ther., 5, 27. (* co-first author, #co-corresponding author)
Long M*, Sun X*, Shi W, Yanru A, Leung TCS, Ding D, Cheema MS, MacPherson N, Nelson C, Ausio J., Yan Y., Ishibashi T. (2019) Novel histone variant H4G regulates rDNA transcription in breast cancer, Nucl. Acids Res., 47(16), 8399-8409 (* co-first author)
Yu H, Xue C, Long M, Jia H, Xue G, Du S, Coello Y, Ishibashi T. (2018) TEFM enhances transcription elongation by modifying mtRNAP pausing dynamics, Biophys. J., 15(12), 2259-2300