Dr. Hao Chen received the Ph.D. degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2017. He leads the Smart Lab focusing on developing trustworthy AI for healthcare. He has 100+ publications (Google Scholar Citations 23K+, h-index 63) in MICCAI, IEEE-TMI, MIA, CVPR, AAAI, Nature Communications, Radiology, Lancet Digital Health, Nature Machine Intelligence, JAMA, etc. He also has rich industrial research experience (e.g., Siemens), and holds a dozen of patents in AI and medical image analysis. He received several premium awards such as Asian Young Scientist Fellowship in 2023, MICCAI Young Scientist Impact Award in 2019, Forbes China 30 under 30 and several best paper awards. He serves as the Associate Editor of multiple journals including IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Neurocomputing, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Medical Physics, etc. He serves as the Program Committee of multiple international conferences including Area Chair of MICCAI 2021-2023, ACM MM 2024, MIDL 2022-2023, CVPR 2023 and SPC of AAAI 2022, etc. He also led the team winning 15+ medical grand challenges.